Ambode Shares Customized MTN Recharge Cards For Political Campaign

MTN Nigeria has dissociated itself from the customized recharge cards by Amode.

Below is a statement they released.

“As a corporate organization MTN is non-political and non-partisan. MTN Nigeria does not have any arrangement with any political party to produce specially branded recharge cards or merchandise. We also do not have any affiliation with any political party or organization, either in Nigeria or in any of the 22 countries where MTN operates across Africa and the Middle East. “
“Operators and their authorized partners are allowed to sell logical PINs to dealers and trade partners, who in turn retail them to third parties and members of the public who may also wish to/reprint them for their private/commercial use.”
“We will take all prudent steps to ensure that dealers conform to agreed trade practices consistent with statute and policies governing the Industry.”


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