Hit-And-Run Driver Kills Bride-To-Be In Lagos 10 Days To Her Wedding (PHOTO)
Category: Bizarre & Strange News

The death has been announced of Osayi Omoigui, a
young lady who was set to wed on 10th January 2015 having had her
engagement on 19th August 2014. Osayi was killed by a hit-and-run driver
on Monday, 29th December 2014 and she is said to have died instantly.
It’s a very sad incident for her husband-to-be, family members and
friends who are mourning the demise of a young loving soul. Already,
friends had bought off the aso-ebi for the wedding till the news of her
death broke.
Osayi’s Facebook timeline is flooded with emotional tributes:
Hope: Any other person can believe de story oh, but as for me hmm
never. She will not die before her time. We must celebrate de wedding.
She was my Chief brides mate early dis year, we were together yesterday
in church. Now u expect me to receive dis news? De wicked must not go
David Ihua: Can you see this, Osayi Omoigui? This
deep despair that a stranger has brought to us so swiftly. Your light
was so bright that it transcended time and space and every time we spoke
I could feel it’s glow even though we were thousands of miles apart. I
called you sister once and I meant it. I shall miss you beyond words, my
sister. The world is left a little darker without your burning light.
Alale: Osayi your demise has brought deep thought into my mind. The
circumstances surrounding it. Your wedding in just a few days to come.
It brings to mind the song by Alanis Morrisette. Ironic— “its like rain
oh your wedding day”………, “….you win a lottery and you die the next day”.
Hmmm what a bad taste of event at the end of the year. We lost a few
good people, Onajite Onajite Otiotio-onome, we had not gotten over the
shock, You again? Why. Life O’ life
Ohimai Unuigboje: Death,
where is your sting? Grave..where is your victory? So many..too many
have been taken at their prime….I have become numb….yet so distraught!
What is this life but a shadow? What is this life but a mist? What is
this life but a vapour….it passes away. Rest in peace Osayi Omoigui. May
God comfort you all my brothers and sisters and their mother.
Ovat Iruayenama: Osayi! Osayi!! Osayi!!! I just picked up my sown
asoebi yesterday screaming ur name as ur god daughter and I were getting
ready to see u when the evil report came in. Osayi, u prayed for ur
wedding day to comd. we looked forward to this day but what happened?
Osayi what happened
Osayi I. Am.waiting for a response from you please…….Y is this life
like this? The tears can’t stop flowing… Osayi, I believe you are still
sleeping, please tell me when you wake up so that we can laff at this
joke…. can’t take this please.
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