How I got My Best Phone: #JumiaMobileWeek #WABCLagos2015

Until last weekend after I changed my mind, I’d often wonder why people spend so much money on phones and gadgets especially when these very expensive phones and gadgets does not add any real financial value or profit to them.
I mean, it sounds like a crazy idea to me when someone can use money that can be used to set up a small business or pay for an MBA course to purchase a gadget or megaphone!
Unless you need a megaphone to pursue your business purpose, I don’t see the sense in it, except if the megaphone was sold to you at an extraordinary reduced rate, unless again you were given as gift, which by the way you could ask for the cash to do something more profitable.
You think I’m “old-fashioned”, well I just feel people should use gadgets that aligns with their profit or income. You wonder why I ride a Pathfinder, if I am unable to buy a good phone, I will tell you why, I am so speed- conscious, I’d like to do my work at the speed of thoughts, and I move at the speed of thoughts, so I need something that is rugged and can carry me to my destination fast, but with an ordinary “Blackberry Curve” I can do my work with it and make profits.
But I got it all wrong this time, I tell you, I was invited for a Blogger’s Conference at Ikeja, in Lagos Nigeria and everyone were taking selfies, and my phones were so unattractive, and in fact the camera resolution is another story all together, plus old-model they are, well I thought it wasn’t a big deal as I could always get one of the participants to send me some of the pictures through e-mail after the conference. All I needed the pictures for, is to make news of the conference and my laptop would do a great job of that.
Was I embarrassed eventually, sure I was, because none of my friends offered me any pictures in spite of my plead to them, and the need for me to have pictures to be able to publish the story of the event I attended.
Before this day I had never missed having any of those “big phones”, but even when I saw my friends or fellow conference members who had better phones, I thought at least I could get some pictures from them, but lo! I was disappointed as none of them agreed to share their pictures with me.
Now I have changed my mind, and I now know the importance of having a good phone/gadget, the phones are not just for disseminating messages but also its part of the process of acquiring the information, like taking eye-witness pictures, videos, etc.
And you know the best part of the deal? I didn’t have to pay so much to have the best phone I need, because at Jumia I was just able to get my MegaPhone at an incredible and jaw-dropping price.
Now I have a great Smart Phone and by the next conference I won’t be dulling! You got the gist? Better go pick one for yourself now…quality phones at incredible price slashes in the The biggest mobile sale ever!- JUMIA MOBILE WEEK MEGATHON…
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