Hundreds Of Mothers In Philippines Takes To The Streets To Breastfeed Their Children To Create Awareness
Category: World News

Filipino mothers have bared their chests in an event to promote and raise awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding.
Around 500 breastfeeding mothers attended the 'Hakab Na! 2016' event in Pasig City, east of Manila, on Saturday.
The fourth annual event of 'Hakab', which means to cling tightly to the
body, was organised by non-government organization Breastfeeding Pinays.
Mothers proudly breastfed their children while holding up signs such as
'breast is best', 'new generation mums love breastfeeding' and
'breastfeeding is nation building'.
The event is being held in celebration of the Philippine's National Breastfeeding Awareness month held in August.

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