How Pakistani Asylum Seeker Drove Into Berlin Christmas Market Kill 12 and Injured Over 40 People

The masked 23-year-old named as Naved B had only been in Germany for months and was already known to police because of petty crime. He turned off the truck's lights before mounting the pavement at 40mph and ploughing through 80metres of crowds of people enjoying mulled wine after work.
Police have towed away the vehicle that ripped through stalls and shoppers on Breitscheidplatz Square in the German capital's main shopping area. Its battered windscreen still had a wreath from a stall embedded in its shattered glass. Witnesses said victims - including children - were sent flying like bowling pins or sucked under the wheels while others ran for their lives as the killer driver steered at them before jumping out of the lorry.
Category: Terrorism News
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