Shocking Photos From World's Most Crowded Jail
In the world's most overcrowded jail, cells built for 30 people are crammed with up to 130 criminals.

An investigation by Sky News reveals that Quezon City Jail currently has
more than 3,000 inmates within its walls - despite being built to only
house 800.
President Rodrigo Duterte has pledged to beat drugs in the nation by any means necessary.

His crackdown has seen more than 40,000 drug-related arrests since July
but the impact on jails has meant many inmates are forced to sleep in
recreation areas as there is no room whatsoever in cells.

Lying side by side, the criminals do not even have enough room to stretch out.
As many as 10 people will also share a single bunk, Sky News reports.
Source - AFP photos/MirrorUK
Category: World News
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