Pearls of Love (Episode 19)

After resuming back to work after the attack and my admission at the hospital, I had so much to do at work and so I usually got home late, sometimes as late as ten. That is not a late time to some people who see it as a normal time to get home; one wonders what is chasing them away from their homes.

So this particular day, I remember calling Ann earlier to tell her that I wasn’t going to get home early. The kids were fast asleep by the time I got to the house. Ann was watching CNN. She just greeted casually with this an unusual absent-mindedness I pretended not to notice. I went to the room upstairs and after undressing went back downstairs. But as soon as I sat on a couch, Ann stood up.

“Your food is on the table, I’m going to sleep now”, she said.

“Okay”, I answered her causally too, I was not in the mood to pester her; if she wants to keep to herself, good then she has all the time in the world, because the truth is that I had so much on my hands too.

I had at moments like that spend my thinking on important things, not on things that didn’t really matter. Well, not like love is unimportant, but I tell you career and money for a man is more important than anything, if you want that woman to keep respecting you.

My thoughts swayed to the security company I had an appointment with the next day. Since after the robbery incidence, I was no longer comfortable in the house like I’d use to be. And with all these thoughts on my mind, the least of my problems at that time was love, no not love!

After eating I decided to stay back downstairs, listening to Bob-Marley, I think I must have fallen asleep on the couch. I felt someone touched me, it was Ann. I woke up immediately, the C.D Player had stopped. I checked by my wristwatch, it was a minute after twelve.

“What’s the problem?’ she asked

“I think I slept off’, I told her

“You’ve never done that before’.

“New things happen, don’t they?’ I said, feeling very tired and got up, went to the control panel for the sitting room and pulled down the electrical control, the whole lights went off.

Change they say is the only constant thing.

“Let’s go to bed”, I said, holding her across her shoulder, as we walked up.

When we got to the room, she went to the bed and sat down, she watched while I changed into my night wears and somehow I knew she was going to ask about Rita and really I was ready to explain.

She lies on the bed as I switched off the lights in the room, lying by her side on the bed, I switched on the bed-light.

Let me tell you the truth, I have never been tired of having sex with Ann, after several years. I don’t understand this thing men talk about having appetite for different women virginals. Honestly I am not sure if a time would come that I would stop enjoying having sex with Ann, even after our two kids. Every other time we had sex, it feels new.

‘Let’s talk’, she cuts into my thought

‘Should I put out the lights?’ I asked her.

‘No’, leave it on. She sits up with her back to the wall and I knew what we were going to talk about was Rita. Well Rita happened years before we married, so what is the problem now, I have never cheated on her long after that.

Well I think it matters, coming to think of it properly, to she needs to understand that I was unfaithfulness to her during the same relationship that led to the marriage no matter how long it was, and she would not have discover the truth till death if not for what just happened.

I what bothers her most is the common thinking of people that when you have had sex once with someone, there are about over a ninety percent chances of having sex with the person again and may again and again.

I sat up beside her, our both backs to the wall while we faced the windows, with blanket covering our legs.

“Dan, I don’t want you to lie to me. I know you don’t lie, so please don’t this time. Who is this Rita to you?’

“She was a friend’, I replied.

“What kind of friend was she to you?’

“Just a good friend, a very good friend’

“You never fucked her?’

“What!” I was shocked to my marrows, it’s not what she asked that surprised me, but the way she asked, I am sure she had read Rita’s mail.

You are possibly wondering why she keeps reading my mails? Well that is because before this time, none of us saw it right to prevent the other from accessing anything to the other, that is including body, money, secrets and even mails and passwords.

I remember one funny story while we were in school, Ann and I had device our alphabets that it was only the two of us could write and read. We used it at different occasions to write letters and put all sorts of fuck words and unimaginable things, but no one else could read them.

I don’t know if she also saw the mail that Rita said she was coming into town. Maybe I should just change my password. What if I tell Ann about what happened between Rita and I some years back before we married and she starts feeling uncomfortable, especially now that I may need to see Rita, she was coming to see me, after several years.

I think sometimes, you can’t just help to be insincere, especially if you have been this folk who’s been sincere all the time

“We didn’t’, I told her, not including the fuck.

“So, why is she missing you?’

“That I don’t know, because I have even forgotten someone like that existed” I paused “common Ann, do you know how many years ago was that?”

“But she said you didn’t reply her mail’.

“Maybe, I didn’t get it?” I answered

”May be you didn’t get it?” She asked

“Sure” I told her

“What does she want to come here for?’

“I don’t know. I will tell her not to come.” At least now I know she knows Rita is coming into town.

“Why would you want to do that’?

“I just feel like’, I told her “I don’t think it is necessary for her to come”

“I don’t think there’s any need for that’, she said and I nodded then asked;

“Can I put the light off, now?’

“If you want’, she answered coldly. I know when our talk doesn’t end well, I think this is one of those times. 

Categories: Short Stories & Articles

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