Corbyn Accidentally Slaps Emily Thornberry's Breast (Photos)
Jeremy Corbyn accidentally hit Emily
Thornberry in the breast yesterday after attempting to give her a high-five.
Mr Corbyn arrived at the Islington North count beaming and said: 'Welcome to the Labour borough of Islington!' after a shock exit poll which showed Labour could have 266 seats in the Commons.
But his joy soon turned to embarrassment when he accidentally hit the shadow foreign secretary in the breast. But luckily she seemed to not notice the embarrassing moment and continued smiling.
Mr Corbyn arrived at the Islington North count beaming and said: 'Welcome to the Labour borough of Islington!' after a shock exit poll which showed Labour could have 266 seats in the Commons.
But his joy soon turned to embarrassment when he accidentally hit the shadow foreign secretary in the breast. But luckily she seemed to not notice the embarrassing moment and continued smiling.
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Category: World News
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