New Beginning

Category: City Pastor

New Beginning connotes something fresh, a fresh start. When a baby is born; the baby is fresh, pure and stainless. Anything that is fresh is awesomely beautiful and can be so amazing.

A new beginning or fresh beginning is a state where an individual is pure, free from stains and any impurities. He is free from set-backs, stagnation, curses etc.

Just like a fresh or newly born baby, these individuals have access to new ideas, innovations and backings by God.

Such individuals can set a new platform, new footsteps, and new ideas and because it is a new beginning that has not been stained or corrupted by wrong fruits, anything that is sown on it, just like on a virgin land will yield good fruits and prosper.

“In the beginning God created the heavens and earth” Genesis 1:1

What can be as beautiful as heaven and earth? Before earth became corrupt as it is today, God created it in the very beginning!

Your New Beginning gives you the chance to recreate yourself for the purpose of God.

Genesis 1:3 “Then God said, “Let there be light”, and there was light.

Light connotes something that shines and brightens the way or path. Therefore in this new beginning, we have light enough to shine through for us and to guide us all throughout the year.

In a new beginning we have access to light; light can be prosperity in business, promotion at our place of work, healthy marriage, and fulfillment in our career, etc.

This is a New Beginning for us, a time to succeed in all the goals we have set in the last year, never give up hope on the things you planned which did not work out for you in the previous years, this is a good time to begin and start achieving those goals.

I pray that in this new year, in this new beginning, the Almighty God will cause you to prosper in all that pertains to you in Jesus name. You will move from glory to glory, beginning from this very day, in Jesus name.

God bless you.

Please share this message with your friends and loved ones.

CITY Pastor.

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