7 Year Old Girl Needs Skin Transplant After Smartphone EXPLODED in Her Pocket (PICTURED)
A 7-year-old girl has been left with horrific injuries after her
smartphone exploded in her pocket. Ariana Aitzhan was carrying a Samsung
Galaxy S2 model in her pocket while playing in the garden in
the Kazakhstan capital Astana when her parents suddenly heard her

They rushed out to see the remains of the phone on the floor with the girl’s friends saying it had exploded in her pocket. Ariana was immediately rushed to the hospital leaving her parents shocked at the extent of her injuries as she required a skin transplant.
Her father Yerlan recounted the harrowing moment he discovered the shocking extent of his daughter’s injuries.
“When it exploded she was screaming and calling for
help, a neighbour that was nearest pulled her jeans off and said that
some of her skin came away with it. “The burn was horrific – it went all the way through to the bone.”
Ariana’s mother Alia Kamzina added: “She is in shock still, as are we
all. “She is now afraid of smartphones, she can’t bear to even see one
being used without being terrified.”
Samsung have offered to pay for all of Ariana’s medical bills and plastic surgery but Mr Aitzhan has so far refused to return the torched handset, for fear of his daughter’s horrifying story being hushed up.
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