15kg Tumour Removed From Body of an 11-year-old Girl (GRAPHIC PICTURES)
Category: Health & Physical Fitness

A 15kg tumor has been successfully removed from a body of an 11-year-old girl in Guangzhou, southern China. It took 8 hours of painstaking work for a group of highly qualified doctors to remove 15 kg of an intraperitoneal tumor from the body of an 11-year-old Bingbing. The girl suffered from ovarian teratoma for five years, defying the expectations of many doctors.

The girl was growing and her tumour was growing also, seriously affecting her internal organs. Her despaired parents sold almost all their property and got into debts only to pay for Bingbing’s expensive treatment.

A 15kg tumor has been successfully removed from a body of an 11-year-old girl in Guangzhou, southern China. It took 8 hours of painstaking work for a group of highly qualified doctors to remove 15 kg of an intraperitoneal tumor from the body of an 11-year-old Bingbing. The girl suffered from ovarian teratoma for five years, defying the expectations of many doctors.
The girl was growing and her tumour was growing also, seriously affecting her internal organs. Her despaired parents sold almost all their property and got into debts only to pay for Bingbing’s expensive treatment.
However, none of the local clinics agreed to operate the girl until
the Xukecheng Health Care Corporation raised $20 000 for her surgery in
Guangzhou hospital.
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