27 Year Old Man Marries 75 Year Old Grand Mother, Says 'Love Knows No Limit'

Zautun Nakanda, a great-grand mother is now married to 27-year-old Steven
Tikubuwana and the couple is now living together in the old woman's house in
Kyungu village in central Uganda's district of Mukono. To those who were
attacking the old woman for getting married to the young man old enough to be
her grand child she said;
'Love has no age limit.We love each other and that is what matters in
Tikubuwana has advised those against his marriage to the old woman to mind
their business and leave them alone. He said,
''I wonder why some people who poke their noses in issues that do not concern
them. Why are they concerned about my marrying an old woman of my choice?'' He
said that when he lost his job and had nowhere to stay, the old woman welcomed
him to her house and some how they fell in love and are now husband and wife.
An elder on the village, Vincent Kalule said, ''I wonder whether that young
man is in his senses. How can a 27 year old man marry a 70 yr old woman. What
kind of marriage is that," he posed.
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