Jilted Lover Burns Girlfriend Alive (Pictures)
Category: Bizarre & Strange News
A Rome university student was burned alive by her ex-boyfriend after she
left him, authorities said Monday. A murder one investigator called the
most atrocious crime he has seen in his career.
22-year-old Sara Di Pietrantonio died on Sunday, May 29th, after her ex
boyfriend Vincenzo Paduano, 27, set her car ablaze, prosecutor Maria
told reporters.
He then chased her after she ran out of the car, setting her ablaze when
he caught up with her, authorities said. Investigators said her
attacker used a cigarette lighter to set Di Pietrantonio's face on fire
after dousing her with alcohol.
"I can say that in 25 years in this work I have never seen something so atrocious," said Luigi Silipo, the lead police official in the investigation.
Paduano was being held for investigation of premeditated murder, Monteleone said.
The suspect first denied killing the woman, but after eight hours of
interrogation, confessed to killing her, Silipo told reporters.
Paduano “didn't accept being abandoned' by the woman, Monteleone said.
'He organized, he planned the aggression,' the prosecutor said. Silipo
said the suspect walked off his job as a security guard about 3am and
waited outside the home of Di Pietrantonio's current boyfriend.
Then, after the woman left the home and drove off by herself, Paduano
drove after her eventually forcing her car to the side of the road. He
"He got into her car, and after an argument, doused the car (interior) with a small bottle of alcohol, and doused Sara, too,” Silipo said. “She ran out, he torched the car, caught up with her, and after about 100 meters” set her ablaze, leaving her to die “in an atrocious manner,” the police official said.
A surveillance camera in the area captured some of the events, including
at least two cars that passed by while the woman screamed in vain for
help as she tried to flee, authorities said.
Monteleone made what she said was a fervent appeal to citizens to help
such women, “not to look the other way.” She added that if passers-by
had helped, the woman's life might have been saved.
She also encouraged women “not to keep hidden any threatening behavior
by those who insist they love you, but it's not that way.”
Italian women's advocates have been trying to change mentalities in a
country where men often turn violent when a women breaks off a
relationship. One such champion for women to be more assertive in
protecting themselves is an Italian lawyer whose face was mutilated in
an acid attack ordered by her ex-boyfriend. She courageously testified
at the ex-boyfriend's trial.
Sounding a call Monday to Italian woman to denounce threats by men to
police was Chamber of Deputies President Laura Boldrini. The
parliamentary leader said a change in cultural mentality was needed,
starting in early childhood classrooms.
Women “must understand that those who should be ashamed are the violent ones, not the women who suffer threats," Boldrini said.
Source- AP
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