Chika Ike to Sponsor Someone's Education in Celebrating Her Harvard Admission - ACKCITY

Chika Ike to Sponsor Someone's Education in Celebrating Her Harvard Admission

After announcing her admission to study in famous Harvard University, some followers of the actress, and business woman took to her page to make comments, some of which doubted the admission to Harvard, some of those who commented said, the course she claimed to have been offered is not part of courses offered in Harvard.

Chika later released a video where she was seen dancing and calling out on her haters, saying, haters won’t ever believe she could be admitted in such a prestigious school.

She later released on her page her willingness to sponsor a genuine person in need of educational funding as a way of celebrating her Harvard admission.

See her post below:

Thank you all for the love and congratulatory messages , i truly appreciate it...you're next in line for a testimony....God bless you . In the spirit of my Harvard celebration , it was laid on my heart to give to someone in need of educational support . I'll like to randomly pick someone who needs educational support ....could be payment of fees or anything pertaining education. Let me know what you need it for .... please be honest . 鉂わ笍馃槝#goodmorning #harvard #africadiva #giveaway

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