Health Benefits of Kunu (Millet Drink)

Kunu is a popular nonalcoholic drink in the northern Nigerian, though has spread across the country and even beyond because of it's health and nutritional benefits.

The drink is made from grains, particularly millet (Jero). It is usually whitish (when prepared with millet and maize) or brownish (when prepared with sorghum).

Kunu has three major flavor, depending on the ingredient it is made from, it can be Kunu-geda, Kunu-ayah or Kunu-zaaki.

It is used as refreshment and for health purposes.

Some of the health benefits are listed below;

Kunu reduces risk of diabetes 

Prevents dehydration; The water content in kunu quenches thirst and prevents dehydration. It also serves as an appetizer. 

Prevents heart diseases; The key ingredient, millet, contains a poly nutrient called lignin, which has cancer-fighting properties and is beneficial in the treatment of heart disease. Millet contains a lot of magnesium and potassium and both of these minerals play an important role in reducing blood pressure. Kunu Drink also contains high levels of Vitamin B3 due to its millet content. Some doctors argue that Vitamin B3 can help your heart by increasing the good cholestral in your body (i.e. high density lipoprotein or HDL). 

It relaxes the muscle; Kunu is good for women that have reached the stage of menopause as it helps them relax their muscles. 

Good for Pregnancy and Nursing Mothers; Kunu Drink has significant health benefits for pregnant women.The magic ingredient is the “super-food”, ginger, that offers a range of benefits for pregnant women. 

Ginger improves the blood circulation in the body. This is important so that you’re baby will get the right level of blood supply. 

All pregnant women know that nausea is a common symptom during the first trimester. The ginger in Kunu Drink can settle your stomach and help reduce nausea. 

Pregnancy causes the muscles in the digestive tract to relax and, therefore, food will travel through the intestines at a slower rate. The result is serious indigestion and bloating. The ginger in Kunu Drink will help reduce problems with digestion. 

It is highly recommended for nursing mothers as it helps increase the flow of their breast milk. 

6. Boost Your Sperm Count; Kunu Drink contains sweet potato (another so-called “super-food” by the way). Sweet potato is filled with very high levels of vitamin C. In one large sweet potato of 180g, there is 35.3g of vitamin C. And that’s great news if you’re looking to increase your sperm count. Certain studies have reported that vitamin C is an antioxidant that has the “power to neutralize sperm-busting free radicals”. Even if you’re not trying to get pregnant, it’s always good to have lots of vitamin C in your diet. Advantages of vitamin C include reducing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease and eye problems. 

7. Helps Weight Lose; endeavor to use less sugar and sweetener in preparing your kunu. If you do so, you will lose weight when you take your kunu. This is because kunu's major ingredient, millet contains high levels of protein and allows you to meet your daily protein requirements without eating meat. As you know, consuming lots of meats can cause weight gain as meats contains lots of rich calories. So if you drink Kunu drink as against consuming more foods with calories, then you will be avoiding fats. 

8. Sooth Colds And Coughs With Kunu Drink; Because kunu drink is usually served with cloves, it helps sooth colds and coughs. Cloves are well known for their medicinal properties. They are expectorants, that looses the mucus in the throat and esophagus. 

9. Lowers cholesterol level; Due to its ginger content, regular consumption lowers the cholesterol level and prevents the formation of blood clots. 

10. Promotes healthy digestive system; The drink is rich in fibre, thus helping to promote a healthy digestive system.


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