Pastor Tunde Bakare

Pastor Tunde Bakare was the running mate to the Nigerian Presidential candidate, General Buhari of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), for the 2011 presidential election.
He was born to a Muslim parent whom he did not grow up to know but was raised by Madam Abigail Ebudola Bakare.
Pastor Bakare’s opinion about some life issues:
Pastor Bakare talking about pastor’s wife being conferred with honorary, said, “On the issue of pastors making their wives automatic pastors is wrong. In fact, I observed that such things are common in our churches today. Even when a pastor’s wife is called, she has to go through the right process, the Bible College in order to acquire the necessary knowledge to operate successfully. Bible colleges are not there for fun, it is to train servants of God.
There is no shortcut or sentiment. There are other things the pastors’ wives, who are not called, can do to help the church grow, not serve as pastors. The major problem is that some pastors refused to obey what the Bible says. We are expected to seek the kingdom first and then all other things shall be added unto them. But today, some of us seek all other things first before the kingdom of God.”
About Life and People, he said, “I’m fully persuaded that I will live long in health; having long life in health, win wealth for the purpose for which He created me to be a blessing to humanity”
“God will not justify the wicked, He will not forsake the righteous; the
wickedness of a wicked man will fall upon his head and the
righteousness of a righteous man will answer for him in the days to
Pastor Bakare is married with children. His wife Olayide Bakare is a co-pastor of the Latter Rain Assembly and a member of the board of trustees of the church.
Pastor Bakare is married with children. His wife Olayide Bakare is a co-pastor of the Latter Rain Assembly and a member of the board of trustees of the church.
Posted in Pastors & Men of God
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