Sierra Leone Pastors That Will Go To Hell- Sister Linda

They pollute these young men of God that God wants to use, so God says, “I will trample on them to give way to my young preachers coming up”
He claims to be with Jesus but still uses this same society power. God said I should tell him he has one more grace, that he should preach the word of God and repent now.
2. Bishop Cyril Luke
He and his wife are not mentors for God’s children, they are evil people, He said I should tell them and tell the people in their ministry that this bishop is leading them to hell.
He said they are not preaching His word, that they are just doing it for material things, they know the truth, but just want money. What people want to hear- prosperity, that’s what they tell them.
3. Bishop Archibald Cole
All the power and miracles he is prophesying is not of God, it is evil power. He said I should tell him that he has one more grace!
When Jesus was giving me these messages, He said the messages are for these bishops and their wives because their wives are the mothers of harlots in the church. If you see the way they dress, claiming to be bishop wives!
These bishop’s wives fought me because of this message from God. God said, Bishop Archibald Cole is bowing to Satan.
4. Bishop Abu Koroma
The Lord showed me how false Jesus appeared to this bishop. When the false Jesus appeared to this bishop he did not ask the false man if he is the Son of God, nor did he ask the false man to show him the mark of the nail. As soon as he saw this demon appeared to him, inform of this picture, this drawing we are used to referring to Jesus, that demonic picture, he bowed. Since that time Satan has been deceiving him, giving him false messages, false prophecies, false powers and polluting his life bit by bit.
When this message came out he said Jesus told him that He did not send me, not knowing it is not Jesus he is seeing.
He said both bishop and his wife are fake, and everything they do is fake that they are sinners.
5. Pastor Victor Ajesafe:
He said, this minister of the gospel with large crowd always doing monthly revival program where people go for miracles, signs and wonders is using fake power.
God showed me where his fake power is coming from, God says, “He’s not serving me, he is using fake power to draw people to his church, and show as if he is preaching God’s word. He is not preaching the word of God, he is deep in occultism, he sacrifices human being on his altar and uses fake oil, handkerchiefs and speaking in tongues that causes spell on people.
These speaking in tongues that some of these pastors do are demon-speaking- tongues; they cast spell on you and you don’t know.
He said, he is sleeping with the women in the church, he is leading my people astray; He said there’s so much adultery on him. He said, tell him he had my word but because of material things, because of money, he deviated from the truth, and dined with Satan. Satan gave him the option and he accepted the gift.
He said, tell him to go back to the old truth or else I will trample on him. He said the people in that church should know he is a fake man of God.
6. Julius Laggah:
This man of God early in the morning is always heard on radio preaching. The Lord said to me, he is not preaching my word, he is preaching for himself and preaching what the people wants to hear- prosperity, miracles, that is what he preaches, because he knows he will get money through that.
He is not telling the people the truth on how they should be, he is preaching for his own interest. “He is leading my people to hell because he refuses to tell them the whole truth of the word”
He said I should tell him that he has one more grace to go back to the whole truth.
7. Pastor Akintola Sam-Julie:
He said he was preaching my word at the beginning of his ministry, preaching holiness but later compromised for material things.
“What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?” that was what Jesus told me.
He said he even led my daughter astray (His wife used to be a holiness woman). He polluted her, took her from the holiness faith, holiness dressing and behavior because he no longer preaches the truth. He said, tell him he is heading to hell.
8. Apostle Moses Kay:
Moses Kay and two others are best friends in Sierra Leone. He said these three young minsters of the gospel where anointed by God but due to bad friends and Big men of God who Moses Kay talk and listen to he turned to evil.
Some of these big men of God lay hands on these young pastors and ordain them and take them to occultism.
They pollute them with advices and money. He said this turned them into evil, now these three of them are out of the way, Moses Kay and his friends are preaching for their own pockets. They have false power and prophecies.
He said all their frequent programs after every three months are just for money and not to save the people, He said they are deep in immoralities.
He said I should warn them that they have one more grace! That they are out of His way.
Also See: The Attack- Sister Linda's Testimony
9. Sister Dora Budaya:
The Lord showed me one popular woman of God.
When Jesus was giving me these messages He doesn’t just call names, Jesus shows me on screen all these men of God I have been mentioning, what they are doing at night, what they are doing in the occultism world.
Jesus is not a liar, you are witnesses and you see these things by yourselves.
Dora Budaya appeared on the screen; this woman of God is a holy woman of God. God sent message through Sister Ayo to tell her to preach holiness and teach women how to dress, He said the message He gave to her that she should preach it to her people.
But Dora told Sister Ayo that God gave her this message for herself alone and not for her congregation, that if God wants , He will send visions to them and God again gave me this message.
He said I should tell her that He sent Ayo but she did not change, now He is sending to confirm the message, that she should preach the whole truth because now her children and men of God close to her are fake. Even her own children and the adopted ones are in sin and she knows about it, but she’s compromising.
(Some of us, our children will take us to hell because we know the truth but chose to compromise).
He said I should tell her that her children and some of these fake pastors are leading her straight to hell. She knows that her children are committing sin, and she knows the whole truth of the word, but she compromises.
He said she should listen to warnings now
10. Mike Robert:
The Lord showed me how he is into immoralities and his selfish interest preaching. He preaches for his own selfish interests.
Most of these men of God are preaching the same thing just for money; they perform miracles, deceiving the people for money.
He said they preach for their own selfish interests, diluting the true words of God. He said Mike Robert is leading people to hell, that he is not preaching the main truth, He said “Come out of sin, one more grace, preach the message I gave to you”
Sierra Leone Righteous Pastors
Most of these men of God are preaching the same thing just for money; they perform miracles, deceiving the people for money.
He said they preach for their own selfish interests, diluting the true words of God. He said Mike Robert is leading people to hell, that he is not preaching the main truth, He said “Come out of sin, one more grace, preach the message I gave to you”
Sierra Leone Righteous Pastors
And then He showed me an anointed man of God, He said, this is my son
Posted in Confessions & Testimonies
- My Second Visit to Hell; Famous People I Saw in Hell
- The Attack- Sister Linda's Testimony
- Sister Linda's Testimony: Message For Nigerian Pastors
- How I Escaped Hell- Sister Linda’s Testimony
- Women be Careful: Read How Demons in Hell tortured me because I used False Hairs
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