The Attack- Sister Linda's Testimony

The torture in hell is so much that is why when God sends message to them, they refuse to it in Sierra Leone, and they want to kill me.

Listen to the message and change your life, because Jesus said He is giving them one last grace, but they don’t want to listen because of their selfish interest, they don’t want to lose this money, they don’t want to lose the congregation.
And when the demon held me, he was dragging me into hell. In hell, it is very dark, you can’t see anything, anyone, you can only hear sounds, you will feel something doing something to you, you can feel somebody touching you, somebody beating you, but you can’t see anything because the place is too dark. The smell in hell is terrible, people are continuously crying in hell asking God to allow them go back to the world to the people and tell them about Jesus.

Demons took me into the fire, before I was threw into the fire, he said to me, “I’m going to torture you for all those evil things you put on your body”

He said, “I will start with your head”, and I ask what I have done with my head, and he said, “Those false hairs, you people have the word, you people know God, you people challenge God, you people know the right way, but you choose to come and meet us here. We will deal with you”

Then I started remembering all the things I had done and I was begging for mercy, and the devil started with my head, in the fire.

You are in the fire, you are tormented in the fire, the fire is burning you (the fire is not like this normal fire you see every day on earth) the fire is like water, like a swimming pool.

When you enter the fire, you instantly look like a 10,000 years old person, your body will become rotten, but the fire will melt your body like plastic and it will be refreshed again. (That’s why God says it’s eternity)

The pain- feeling you have right now hurts, that’s the same feeling you have in hell.

The devil started torturing me from my head (you know we use needle and thread to sew weavon on our head here on earth, in hell they use iron as if it is needle).

They used the iron to pierce my head, I felt pain. And I cried, “this is too much, my head” and they said, “we are not finished yet, we are coming to the eye, for the eyelash, eyebrow”

If you have a daughter that is putting on these things and you don’t want to lose her, just begin to cry to God now because my friend who died and I saw in hell is praying that God should allow her reverend father to come to hell because her father knew the truth but didn’t warn them, he used to buy trousers for them, give them money to make their hair. She said, she wants her father to be in hell.

The demons started taking off my eyes, they plucked it out with hot iron. Just like they fix this our eyelashes, they put sharp iron inside my eyes. (God have mercy). Please my people don’t be in hell.

Please don’t be in hell, hell is real, I was one of those people who used to say hell is not real, that’s why God made me pass through hell. Hell is real; nobody can really describe hell because hell is real tormented place.

Don’t be in hell, don’t let cigarette or just beer take you to hell or the hair you can buy take you to hell, you will be discouraged when Jesus tells you that you are going to hell because of earrings, just earrings. Just trousers, please it is true, these men of God are not exaggerating the Bible, they are saying the truth.

Honestly, if your pastor is telling you these things in your church, he’s saying the truth, don’t put these things on, don’t ask questions, and don’t argue.

After they finished with my eyes, they came to my mouth; for these cigarettes I used to smoke, the bad words I use to say, for the alcohol I used to drink.

The demons will do all sorts of wicked things to you, they can use hammer, spanner to hit your teeth, they will pull your tongue and cut it, and you will feel the fresh feeling of it, and they will give you beer to drink which when you drink it, it is acidic.

When you are on earth and you drink acid, how you feel is how you feel in hell.

When I took the acid I thought it was alcohol, because hell is a very hot place. You don’t seat in hell so that you won’t be able to lick your sweat because of the thirst.

My throat, up to my belly and my private part was opened, it was melting (You know when acid destroys something, that’s the way it destroyed me).

I shouted and cried for mercy, asking God why He created me in the first place. I asked Him if He knew that was His purpose for creating me, He shouldn’t have created me.

And then, they came to my private part- for fornication I have committed. (You are married, you still have a boyfriend, you are not satisfied with your husband, you are a single lady, moving from one man to the other, don’t die in that kind of sin).

The demons opened my feet, they used sharp objects to insert in and out of me, my guts, womb, everything in me was coming out, I felt pain, but they didn’t stop, my head, my eyes, my mouth, my private part.

And there’s worm that eats flesh in hell, when I came back to life, I asked my pastor about it, he said, it is in the Bible.

When that animal bites you, it’s like a dog biting you here on earth that is how it feels.

There’s so much pain in hell, demons are on you, and worms are on you, fire is on you. You will be crying, feeling pains. You will hear someone shouting for mercy, and another shouting of pains and there is noise and confusion everywhere in hell.

I was in hell, tortured.

Some people go to hell and heaven and they saw the fire, they come back and say it and people are afraid, I am from hell, in the fire. This fire is real.

When I was in heaven, when God took me to heaven, I said in my heart, I don’t want to come back. I thank God I was delivered from hell after much pains and tortures.

I thank God for hearing my cry, I thank God for choosing me, I thank God for His covenant He made with me. I thank God; I thank Jesus for showing me mercy.

How I was rescued from Hell

I saw a great light, a great power like magnet was moving me from the fire, I was coming up; I thought I was going to another place for more torture, I didn’t think it was deliverance, I didn’t know they were coming to deliver me, I didn’t think God heard my cry, I thought it was finally over.

Then I noticed I landed on a ground. I saw a great light, and a man stood in front of me, He didn’t say a word but looked at me!

Posted in Confessions & Testimonies


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