Message of God for Women

Any woman, in and out of the church putting on trousers, weavons, eyelashes, earrings, gold teeth, tattoo, evil things, extended finger nails, bleaching of body, tinting of the hair, will not see God.
Palming of the hair, stretching of the hair, (you want to look light and nice), anyone doing this will not see God.
This is a leakage God is giving us, study so that you will pass the exam. Jesus loves us so much He is giving us leakage. The exam is too hard; you can’t pass it without leakage.
Now, Jesus is giving you leakage of these fake men of God, of these evil things, these things taking you away from God’s glory. Jesus is telling you now that they are evil, it’s a leakage, take it and study well. Take it and study well, please. Please my mothers, sisters out there, my brothers.
Posted in Confessions & Testimonies
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