Keys to Success

“I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.” Philippians 4:13

People who believe in fate are living in fear and not on the principles of faith. A child of God does not cast his or her destiny on luck. Subjecting your success to the game of chance is subverting your great potentials to excel in life. Success is more often than not the product of hard work. A youth who is living a purposeful life will not indulge in sinful pleasures. Never place your destiny on luck. Live by faith with full assurance that you are destined to make it.

Living to excel in life demands that you live a life of purpose. You need to discover what you are living for and what drives you. No Christian boy or girl can really perform excellently if he or she is not hungry for success. Your maximum potentials will emerge when you discover the key to success. To excel you need the strength of mind and thoroughness in all you do.

Challenge: Never place your destiny on sheer luck.

Prayer: My Father, give me the willpower to succeed in my studies.

Further Reading: Proverbs 22:29

Posted in Daily Inspirational

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