Beggar Rapes Woman Who Stopped to Ask If He Was Okay in Cold Weather

A beggar r3ped a woman who had stopped in the street to see if he was okay sleeping rough.

James Campbell has been branded a danger to the public and jailed for life for the sick s3x attack on August 16 last year.

Campbell, 32, admitted r3ping the six-stone 57-year-old in Glasgow city centre after police caught him in the act and dragged him off her.

At the High Court in Glasgow on Monday judge Lady Stacey imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction – similar to a life sentence – on Campbell.

She told him: “I take the view you present a danger to the public.

“I saw a video of what happened. It was a very serious and violent r3pe against an older woman who only weighed about six stones.”

Prosecutor Angela Gray said: “He told the woman ‘I love you. I want you to be my girlfriend’ and she replied ‘Don’t be daft. I don’t even know you.”

The court heard the woman struggled with Campbell and repeatedly told him “Please don’t” and “There is no need for this.”

Miss Gray added: “She repeatedly told him to stop and that he was hurting her.

“He did not stop and told her to shut up.

“A solicitor working in an office overlooking the lane saw the incident taking place and phoned the police.”

Officers arrived to find Campbell r3ping the woman and dragged him off her. He had fresh scratch marks on his outer thighs.

The woman was visibly shaken and upset. She had bruised legs and grazes on her private parts. 

Posted in Crime News


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