How To Gain Your Spiritual Freedom (Matthew 6:5-16)

That means you should pray. (It’s part of your constitution). And when you pray (not if you pray). There must be a time, a season, when you are given to pray.
“And when you pray, thou shall not be like the hypocrites are, for they like to pray standing in the synagogues and the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, they have their rewards. But thou when you pray, enter thy closet”
There’s a private closet.
“And when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father, which is in secret, and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly”
What you do in secret will generate rewards in your life.
God that seeth in secret will not reward you in secret but will reward you in the open. The results will be in your business, the results will be in the open, your stardom will be in the public.
Your Father that seeth you in secret will not reward you in the secret; He will reward you in the open, in the name of Jesus.
Matthew 6: 16 “Moreover when you fast…”
That means fasting is part of our constitution when you fast, not if you fast, that means there’s a time, there’s a season to fast.
“When you fast, do not be as the hypocrites of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces that they appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto thee they have their rewards. But you when you fast, anoint your head, wash thy face that thou appear unto men not to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret shall reward you in the open.
That means, there are physical, practical benefits for fasting and praying.
Oh, you labor, you come to church, fasting and praying, and you need to know that the results will not be in your privacy alone, it will be evident to all.
Evident in your family life, evident in your businesses, evident in your health, evident in the public. So I believe that this secret affair we are having with God will culminate in our glory in the name of Jesus Christ.
That means in the open, shame will be far from you, reproach will be far from you, hiding your face from colleagues will be far from you. But God will cause you to be able to lift up your heads amongst your colleagues because you will rise, you will shine, destinies that has been covered is getting total deliverance this night, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Exodus 4:22 “And though shall say unto Pharaoh, doeth saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my first born, and I say unto you, let my son go that he may serve me. And if you refuse to let him go, behold I will slay they son, even thy first born.
So our mission tonight is to let you go. “Say to Pharaoh to let my people go so that they may serve me.”
If you are willing to serve Him and continually serve Him then your deliverance will be fast.
Kingdom service, a heart for God is a catalyst in the school of total deliverance.
“Say unto Pharaoh, ‘let my people go, that they may serve’”
The reason why I am going to fight you- Pharaoh is so that you will let them come and serve me, not to go and be drinking, not to be healed and be roaming about the streets. Not to be prosperous and then turn against God, or adding to the camp of Satan.
“Let my people go, that they may serve”
I want you to make a decision afresh to serve God.
Joshua asked them, he said, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
Serving Him with your life. When we get born-again we said, Lord, I surrender my life to you. You are the Lord of my life and the savior of my soul.
Serving Him with your energy, serving Him with your talents, gifting, serving Him with your experience, money, resources.
With that decision on ground, you have perpetual deliverance. That even when Pharaoh tries to rise again your deliverance is sure from them.
“Let my people go that they may serve”
They were in slavery. What is slavery? Being under control of another person. Slavery means being under control, you are not free, something is controlling your joy, something is controlling your destiny, something is controlling the future; that comes in various forms, in the New Testament pattern, it could be a curse. You know sometimes a curse controls people’s life, they don’t have anything-it’s the curse that determines their destiny. For some people is a kind of tradition or something that is controlling their lives.
A slave does not have his own time, destiny. The destiny of a slave is in the hands of the slave master- that is what they called bondage. You can’t go until the slave master says go, you can’t eat until they give you break to eat.
When serving you are working and working until they say go and break, that’s when you can eat, you can’t eat at your own time. You can’t travel.
Now, this other definition will help you see that you must fight.
Slavery means- work done under harsh condition with little or no pay.
Some are in slavery and they don’t know. Work done under harsh conditions with little or no pay.
Some of you are struggling in the sun, you sweat, and the shirt you bought white has turned to brown by the struggles of life and after the "wahala" of the whole month, nothing to show for it.
Many are like that, they are being controlled by economic forces. They are sweating but have nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Not that they are lazy, but they are still like a slave.
Work done under harsh conditions and at the end of the struggle, at the end of the labor, little or no pay.
In case you are in category like that, you must desire change tonight. How God will do it, leave it to Him.
“Let my people go that they may serve me, because at that time, as a slave you can’t say I want to go and serve God, can you? They will slap you! You serve God when they allow you.
So the first thing you must experience is- spiritual freedom.
He said, the time has come that those that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
You can’t be under a spiritual spell and serve God adequately. So this night whatever spiritual authority that is affecting your destiny, other than the authority of the God of Abraham, that authority will give up today in the name of Jesus.
Every negative nightmares will cease from tonight in the name of Jesus Christ. All those chasing you in the dreams, chasing you in the daylight will stop in the name of Jesus, and any other spiritual stronghold, they will let you go this night in the name of Jesus.
Category: Pastor Yemi Davids Messages
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