Bride Under Fire For Expecting Guests to Pay £10,000 to Attend Her Lavish Wedding

It's no secret that weddings can be expensive, but you don't normally expect to pay through the roof to attend one.

However one bride-to-be has planned a big day so extravagant that it's going to cost her guests an absolute fortune to be there.

In a post on Mumsnet, the unnamed sister of the bride revealed that the guests are expected to shell out roughly £10,000 per person in order to be part of the ceremony and reception - because the wedding is happening in the Caribbean.

She explained how she and her sister had never been particularly close and she just couldn't fathom spending that much money to attend the wedding with her partner.

She wrote: "My sister and I have never been close and now we live far from each other so contact is basically limited to a WhatsApp message on special occasions.

"She has invited us (me, partner and baby) to her wedding in the Caribbean next year at a cost of around £10,000 per person which is money we don't have.

"My sister got upset when I told her we wouldn't be able to attend and my parents offered to pay for us to go to appease her, but I declined the offer as I don't feel comfortable taking that much money."

The woman continued: "Even If I would take that much money from my parents, I would rather put it towards a house than a two-week holiday.

"I feel that if it's that important to my sister that everyone can attend her wedding then she should have picked somewhere more affordable or she should be offering to cover part of the costs for guests.

"My sister earns minimum wage, but her future husband is a high earner so she lives a life of luxury without having to work for it and I feel like because of this her view of money is distorted and she thinks everyone can afford the lifestyle she has."

She adds: "Is is unreasonable of me to turn down the invitation and my parents' offer to pay for us to go?"

Fellow Mumsnet users were quick to assure her the sister was the unreasonable one.

One said: "Hahahahaha! She wants you to spent in excess of £20,000 to go to her wedding when you don't see her from one year to the next? No. Not happening. You are not being unreasonable!"

Another commented: "Your parents are prepared to fork out £30k for you to attend your sister's wedding? I would definitely be having a different conversation with them. Decline the invitation, it's not a summons."

A third replied: "Sorry I fainted at £10,000, then fainted again at £10,000 per person. You are not being unreasonable, much better ways to spend a small fortune. Her fiancé and your parents must be loaded."

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