A Vision of Prosperity

Scripture Reference:

‘And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.’ - Genesis 13:2.

You need to have a vision for financial increase. You should so carry a blessing to an extent that anyone within your circumference contacts it. A blessing that positively affects others. Lot was nothing; however, after hanging around Abraham for a while he contacted it to an extent that the land couldn’t contain them anymore. I read that all the Vice Presidents of Microsoft Corporation each own a private jet. They contacted the blessing of God on Bill Gates. That is a life to live; essentially, a vision to have.

When Joseph entered the house of Potiphar everything started turning out positively. He noticed the blessing in his household, and also knew where it was coming from – it was as a result of the slave he just bought. Joseph carried the blessing. Similarly, when Jacob entered Laban’s house something changed. His business started to boom. His income shot up! That means Jacob and Joseph carried something – a blessing traceable to their connection with Abraham.

Now, we are seeds of Abraham like any of the Patriarchs; we ought to carry and manifest the blessing. However, this may never happen until we realize what is ours in Christ Jesus thus allowing our vision of prosperity to come alive.
Be determined to be a channel of blessing to others!

Daily digest: Genesis 13:1-18.

Prayer: God is making a nation out of me. I am empowered to prosper. I am blessed with an abundant increase of favour and God is making my name famous and distinguished. Amen

Category: Pastor Yemi Davids Messages


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