Dark Memories and Anguish of The Creek Comrade

Written By Donye Vincent

I am Izon, Izon is who I am
I am black and I am proud
I was bathed with the waters from the Creeks
I cried my first cry from the Creeks It echoed loud and clear
It was the cry of a new dawn
It was the cry of hope, freedom, emancipation and reclamation

I was consoled and coddled by my most guided Izon Dau and Izon Yein
I grew up inside the Creeks
I drank the water from the rivers
I used the canoe as my only means of transportation

The monkeys, birds, flies, and the fishes were my best friends
I was told that the future is bright and that I will be a great Man
I waited for the day I will see the Creek turned into a london

I weep because the Creek had produced great men
I weep because my elder brothers have forgotten their history
Oh what a shame
I weep because they no longer fiye Izon but speak English
I weep because our rivers have been polluted by the white man's discovery

I weep because even the fishes are no longer safe for us to eat
I weep because our mothers and fathers have no good water to drink
I weep because our Opu Dau And Opu Yein died as a result of contaminated water

I weep because even the black gold have not been so beneficial benefit to Us
I weep because the Creek has been robbed of her glory
I weep because the Creeks have been insulted
I weep because the Creeks have been desecrated
I weep because the Creeks has been deceived
I weep because mental slavery has become the order of the day

Oh, IYC is divided against itself with no leadership
And the highly revered INC is sailing on a divided ship
Even NUIS has towed the path of division
Where did we get it all wrong?
A house divided against itself can never stand

Oh what sort of calamity has befallen our Creeks?
Oh where are the Beni Orus and the IZON-IBE Egbesu?
Is this the bright and pleasant future that was foretold?
who will answer and savage us from this broad day slavery, anarchy and doom?

Major Isaac Adaka Boro has gone to oblivion and never to return
Even Ken Saro Wiwa is no more
Where is the Vaillant Ebi Ikoro of Ogbe-Ijoh?
I was told he is no more
So the Fearless John Togo is lying asleep with no breath of hope
Where is the dogged Aaron Bebenimibo?
He is dining with the ancestors
Where is Brialade Alias Blendo?
He is far from sight

Those who died in the line of duty are all forgotten
No one cares about their children and families
When will our dead heroes be celebrated?
So many have been handicapped for the sake of struggle

Is it that I was deceived or I was asked to gear up for the task ahead My IZON-IBE
what has become of you all of a sudden?
Has death gripped you? Where is thy voice?
Show me your mighty power?
I weep! I weep! I weep!
I cried all night in search of answers

The fear of the unknown has held me moribund
How many more blood is needed for this ransom?
But alot have died already?
Will my blood be the last for this redemption?
But will my blood be enough?

When will our villages be connected with bridges?
When will I ever stop drinking from the rivers and drink from the Tap?
When will I see electric poles and light in the Creeks?
When will I see the good and pleasant future of the Creek?

Oh is it after I have paid the expensive but Noble prize?
When will I be totally free?
Too many questions to ask but no one to answer
Still In A Confused State Of Mind.


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