Safest Countries to be in If World War 3 Breaks Out

These are the safest places to be if World War 3 breaks out and nuclear weapons start flying amid tensions between the US and Iran.

Tensions are raging around the world with barbs being thrown by US President Donald Trump, Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Chinese premier Xi Jinping, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and the Iranian Ayatollah.

With plenty of fingers on red buttons in the halls of power, yesterday World War 3 even started trending on social media .

It all came after the US killed Iran’s top general Qassem Soleimani in a brazen strike, sparking fears of a fresh war.

And while war between the US and Iran wouldn’t be a global conflict, it could set in motion a chain of events leading to World War 3.

Daily Star Online has compiled the safest places to be based on the Global Peace Index.

Coming in at the most peaceful country in the world is Iceland.

It has a small population of just 325,000 people, no army, is protected by NATO and has a remote location.

Second place was New Zealand, which also has a remote location and relatively small population of just 4.8 million.

And sitting in third place was Portugal, a country that hasn’t been involved in a war since the 1940s.

Austria and Denmark come in at fourth and fifth, while Canada and Singapore are in sixth and seventh.

Slovenia then comes eighth, with Japan ninth and Switzerland rounds out the top ten.

Britain meanwhile comes in at a measly 45th – and then the United States is an extraordinary 128th.

Trump’s nation is just 11 spaces over Iran – at 139 – amid the ongoing tensions, while Russia comes in at 154, North Korea 151 and China at 110.

Global Peace Index rank the most dangerous country in the world as Somalia.

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