Paris Might Go Into "TOTAL" Lockdown as People are Breaking Rules By Not Staying at Home

The French government is today considering putting Paris into full lockdown as coronavirus cases ‘doubled every three days’.

Jérôme Salomon, the country’s Director General of Health, said ‘the situation is extremely worrying and deteriorating very quickly’ after thousands visited parks and walked beside the Seine river in the capital yesterday.

There are currently 5,437 people infected and more than 400 in intensive care in hospitals, which are struggling to cope. The death toll has jumped by 36 in the past 24 hours to 127.

Despite measures brought in over the weekend including a ban on crowds of more than 100, and the closure of non-essential shops, people were still breaking the new rules.

Parks were full on Sunday, where food was still being sold in takeaway stalls, so ‘we cannot manage to slow down the march of the epidemic,’ said Mr Salomon.

‘France will very quickly be overrun if people do not conform to the new measures. Cases are doubling every three days.’

'A lot of people have not understood that they need to stay at home, and this low level at which people have adhered means that we are not succeeding in curbing the outbreak of the epidemic.'

He added it would be 'catastrophic' if France were to reach a stage on deciding whether to save the lives of certain patients over that of others.

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