Let Jesus Carry Your Burden

We often stray away from God when we are stressed up or faced with certain life challenges, instead of staying firm to the word of God, we prefer to believe what we can see, and because of our belief we end up becoming miserable at a serious life challenge.
The tendency of keeping faith in God at such times decline greatly, and we either loose courage and hope or believe in God. We prefer to either give up on life or go into something that may end up destroying our future or even our eternity.
As much as it is difficult to trust in God in times like this, the word of God says we should come to God with our troubles and sorrow. It is much better to believe in God than use the devices of the devil.
In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus was preaching to the crowd who sat down to listen to him. Among them were unhappy people, hungry people, jobless people and even those who are sick and in need of healing.
Jesus recognized their situations, he knew their troubled state and he knew they needed help, the same way we are in need of help today.
He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11: 28
Are you wearied, stressed up and discouraged because of some certain life challenges? Why not go to Jesus today?
He says, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” Matthew 11: 29-30
Yoke is used for carrying loads; Jesus says you should use his yoke because his yoke is easy to carry. Heavy loads are always difficult to carry; the use of yoke lightens the burden of carrying the load.
Let’s look at it differently; if you are moving into another house, you had lots of loads in your house which you need to move into the new house. If you have to pack all the loads by yourself with your hand you may take months before you finish taking it all that is if you ever get to finish packing it because the things you need to carry may be too big for you to lift. But with the use of a truck you could finish packing the loads in only a matter of hours without much stress. Let us liken the truck to a yoke.
That’s what Jesus is talking about here; he says you should use his yoke to carry your load, your burden, your sorrow, that thing that keeps you distressed, he said his burden is light.
All you need to do is to confess you sins accept Jesus as your Lord and savior obey the commandments of God and surrender everything to him and he will help you, then you will find rest for your soul.
Praise God!The tendency of keeping faith in God at such times decline greatly, and we either loose courage and hope or believe in God. We prefer to either give up on life or go into something that may end up destroying our future or even our eternity.
As much as it is difficult to trust in God in times like this, the word of God says we should come to God with our troubles and sorrow. It is much better to believe in God than use the devices of the devil.
In Matthew 11:28-30, Jesus was preaching to the crowd who sat down to listen to him. Among them were unhappy people, hungry people, jobless people and even those who are sick and in need of healing.
Jesus recognized their situations, he knew their troubled state and he knew they needed help, the same way we are in need of help today.
He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” Matthew 11: 28
Are you wearied, stressed up and discouraged because of some certain life challenges? Why not go to Jesus today?
He says, “Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light” Matthew 11: 29-30
Yoke is used for carrying loads; Jesus says you should use his yoke because his yoke is easy to carry. Heavy loads are always difficult to carry; the use of yoke lightens the burden of carrying the load.
Let’s look at it differently; if you are moving into another house, you had lots of loads in your house which you need to move into the new house. If you have to pack all the loads by yourself with your hand you may take months before you finish taking it all that is if you ever get to finish packing it because the things you need to carry may be too big for you to lift. But with the use of a truck you could finish packing the loads in only a matter of hours without much stress. Let us liken the truck to a yoke.
That’s what Jesus is talking about here; he says you should use his yoke to carry your load, your burden, your sorrow, that thing that keeps you distressed, he said his burden is light.
All you need to do is to confess you sins accept Jesus as your Lord and savior obey the commandments of God and surrender everything to him and he will help you, then you will find rest for your soul.
I pray that the Almighty God will give you the grace and the heart to do His will in Jesus name, amen.
CITY Pastor
Notice: Unless otherwise indicated, all scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation
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