A Woman That Refuse to Submit Totally to Her Husband is Disobeying God – Oyedepo

Category: Messages By Men of God

Presiding Bishop, Living Faith Church Worldwide, David Oyedepo has said that a woman who refused to submit to her husband is disobeying God.

He said the only way to a fruitful marriage was total submission on the part of the wife.

Oyedepo, on the church’s twitter handle, said until total submission was in place, every other thing she tried to do would be out of place.

Also See:God Swore to Make Me Rich Because I Gave Him A Car Many Years Ago – Oyedepo 

He added that even when such women were gospel ministers and their husbands were not, they must submit to their husbands.

The bishop said a submissive woman is precious in the sight of God.

In his words: “The only way to a fruitful marriage is total submission on the part of the wife. Until it is in place, every other thing she tries to do will be out of place.

“A woman who refuses to submit to her husband is disobeying God. As a woman, you might even be a minister of the gospel, and your husband is not, the Word of God still says to submit yourself to him.

“A submissive woman is precious in the sight of her husband.”



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  1. Very good to we women.We nor run.May God give us the grace to be obedience to the words of God.What of the men??????who are the cause of the disobedience?????The Bible says in over 50 verses of the Bible of Husbands loving their wives.I will just outline few.Colossians 3 v 19 says"Husbands,love your wives and do not be harsh will them". Ephesians 5 v 25 says"Husbands,love your wives ,as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her.lst Peter 3 v 7 says"Likewise , husbands,live with your wives in an understanding way,showing honour to the woman as the weaker vessel,since they are heirs with you of the grace of life ,so that your prayers may not be hindered. Ecclesiastes 9 v 9 says"Enjoy life with the wife whom you love,all the days of your vain life that He has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and it your toil. Ephesians 5 v 21 says"You will submit to one another out of reverence for Christ"v 28-29 says" Husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.He who loves his wife ,loves himself.For no one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it,just as Christ cares for His body ,which is the Church.God bless us all,and give all of us the grace not to fail in our duty post.AMEN

    1. I pray let God touch the hearts of our growing youths to quickly identify with these words of God.If not,the old ones have failed.Any way,Our God is the God of restoration.And l pray so that He can restore in JESUS NAME ��


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