Advantage and Disadvantages of Dating a Married Man (Video)

Category: Relationship Matters

I know a lot of women will shy away from this topic because almost of you are dating a married man. But I want to tell you something, dating a married man is not a crime, its just a sin. So I wan to tell you the advantage and disadvantages of what you do, because many of you involve in this act without understanding the consequences.

My job as a relationship therapist is not judge you but to put the consequences of your actions to your face.

Who is a married man?

A married man is that man that is indebted to somebody, a married man is that man that is committed to somebody, that has promised somebody 'forever'. So when you are dating a married man, it simply means you are stealing somebody's property. 

The advantage of dating a married man is just money, the only thing a married man can give to you is money, yes! A lot of married men are just looking for plan B, they are just looking for a girl to use, a girl to keep by the side, just like a spare a tire, in case their wife is not available; there's a misunderstanding, their wife is pregnant, their wife is menstruating, for men who do not have self control. 

So they always have that Plan B, that small girl they can always manipulate,  control and give money. So they only advantage you have about dating a married man is just money, because you can't get his whole attention, you can't get everything about him, because he is sharing it with somebody.

There is a difference between dating a married man and sleeping with a married man. If you are dating a married man, it simply means you are in relationship with the married man, when you are sleeping with a married man, it simply sex, business, you take your money, have sex and go!

My emphasis here is about women who date married men, like making a married man your boyfriend, you are in a relationship with somebody's husband. Only a foolish girl falls in love with somebody's husband.

So the only advantage you have dating a married man is money.

Now let me tell you the disadvantages of dating a married man:

One- They will waste your time, waste your energy, waste your resources. Dating a married man is like pouring water in a basket

What many of you don't understand is that you are trying to collect what somebody else already have, it doesn't work that way. If a married man wants to date you, he has to come out of that marriage that he is before he can even get into a relationship with you. 

Any man that is a marriage and is promising you a marriage is a scam! A lot of married men cling unto you because they want to use you. You are just a plan B, you are just a spare tire to a lot of them, if you must sleep with a married man, keep it strictly business. Because they only come to you to enjoy themselves, they only come to you when there is problem in their homes, they only come to you when their wives are not giving them attention. There's always motive why they come to you, they do not come to you because they love you. 

They do not come to you because they want to be committed..

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