33 Commercial S.e.x Workers Arrested in Ghana, Face Deportation to Nigeria

Category: World News

Thirty-three commercial s.e.x workers, mostly Nigerians, have been arrested by the Greater Accra Regional Police Command at Pokuase Timber Market.

The five-hour operation, which led to their arrest took place on May 20, 2021, in collaboration with the Ga North and West Immigration officers, NADMO personnel and task force from the Ga North Municipal Assembly.

They were assisted by police personnel from the Amasaman Divisional Headquarters and Adjen Kotoku District.

The Head of the Public Affairs Unit of the Command, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Effia Tenge, told the Ghana News Agency that all foreign s.e.x workers had been handed over to the Immigration Service for deportation.

She added that the rest involved would be investigated and made to appear before the law courts if found guilty.

Again, wooden structures which housed these s.e.x workers were demolished in the exercise. According to the police report, the commercial s.e.x workers mainly consisted of Nigerian nationals and a few Ghanaians.


  1. What about Ghanaians who are also in the business, are they going to be deported to their respective villages or they just want to blackmail Nigeria..?

  2. Nigeria My Country.....

  3. التطورات الجارية التي تشهدها المملكة العربية السعودية في قطاع التجارة تستدعي وقوف محامي تجاري بالرياض لجانبكنظراً لأهمية العمل في قطاع التجارة والنهوض في المملكة للعالمية المتقدمة ، وعلى اعتبار أن المملكة العربية السعودية تعتبر سوقاً لتصريف المنتجات محامي تجاري في الرياض


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