Eko Bridge Closes For Emergency Repairs June 4 – August 13

Category: Lagos News


Lagos government has announced a 10-week partial closure of the Eko bridge from Costain to Alaka in-bound National Stadium for emergency repairs by the federal government from June 4 to August 13.

The Commissioner for Transportation, Frederic Oladeinde, said, in a statement, the repair was necessary to complete the rehabilitation works at the opposite side of the bridge earlier embarked upon by the federal government.

He noted that pending the commencement of the rehabilitation works, alternative routes had been made available to manage traffic during the period of repairs.

Mr Oladeinde explained, “Traffic from Apongbon to Alaka, Stadium, Inner Surulere or Ikorodu Road will be diverted to Eko bridge to access Costain Roundabout to Iponri through Alaka and Funso Williams Avenue.

“Similarly, motorists from Eko bridge will have to navigate their desired destinations through Costain Roundabout to Abebe Village( by Nigerian Breweries Plc) through Eric Moore to Bode Thomas to Adeniran Ogunsanya, to access Shitta Roundabout by Stadium under the bridge to Funso Williams Avenue to Dorman-Long Bridge and Fadeyi-Ikorodu Road.”

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