S3x Workers Now Accepting Maize, Cups of Beans as Payment Due to Pandemic

Category: World News

Covid-19 has hit s3x workers in Zimbabwe hard to the extent of accepting buckets of maize and cups of beans as payment from their also cash-strapped male clients.

The s3x workers said the ‘barter trade’ had also created problems for their clients as the men usually steal the ‘payment’ from family granaries.

The female s3x workers’ plight has also been worsened as nightclubs and bars remain closed due to strict Covid-19 national lockdown restrictions.

Speaking to NewZimbabwe.com at Dema growth point in Seke rural, about 37km east of Harare, s3x workers appealed to the government and other organisations for low-interest loans to start income-generating projects to fend for starving families than relying on prostitution.

“Gone are the days when we used to charge clients for $US5 for the whole night. These days even one dollar is accepted so that you are able to buy vegetables and tomatoes and cook something for your starving children,” one of the s3x workers, who only identified herself as Alice, said.

“I have three children; one is doing Form 4. The child needs ZIMSEC (Zimbabwe Schools Examination Council) registration fees. The other is in Grade 7 and one is in Grade One. So you can see my predicament.”

“I now even accept a bucket of maize or cups of dried beans as payment for sex services. At least I am assured that my kids will have porridge.

“We appeal from well-wishers, including government to assist us to start income-generating projects. Our children are going to sleep at night on empty stomachs.”

Another s3x worker, Mavis said she could have opted to be a house helper but the local people do not pay.

“We tried this (domestic work) but the bosses do not pay. I once worked for five months with promises to be paid, but I left empty-handed,” she said.

“So, if we can get loans with low-interest rates, we can start our own projects and be able to look after our children.”

The s3x workers, who spoke to NewZimbabwe.com were attending a Key Affected Populations (KAP) workshop meant to reduce HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) infections.

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