I Don’t Want To Hear Unknown Gunmen Again – Plateau Gov Lalong To Police

Category: Nigeria News

Plateau State Governor, Simon Lalong has urged security agencies to be up and doing in apprehending and prosecuting criminals that attack communities in the State saying he no longer wants to hear of unknown gunmen in the State.

The Governor stated this on Monday when he commissioned security patrol vehicles and special motorcycles at the new Government House, Little Rayfield, Jos.

He observed that while everything is being done to ensure lasting peace in the State, crises merchants are restless and trying various methods to breach the peace hence the need to strengthen the security agencies to go after them.

His words, “It is with a tremendous joy that I welcome the Inspector General of Police Ibrahim Baba, Senior Heads of Military and Para-military organizations and distinguished guests to the commissioning of security patrol vehicles and special security motorcycles purchased by the State Government.

This is a very significant event because Peace and Security has remained the key priority of the Rescue Administration. Our belief is that security is the baseline for attaining development in any society.

“However, we have also realized that while we consolidate on the peace, the crises merchants are not sleeping as their source of business has been obstructed due to the actions we have put in place to restore stability. Therefore, they are restless and trying various methods to breach the peace. As I commend the security agencies for doing their best to tackle the cases of such attacks and other criminal activities, I have also expressed deep concern over the inability to prevent such killings or arrest the perpetrators in some cases. I have since told the police and other security agencies that I do not want to hear unknown gunmen again in Plateau State!

“People who come into communities and kill innocent people in their sleep or when they are going about their legitimate businesses cannot be said to be spirits, and must not be allowed to go free.

All we need is intelligence gathering, quick intervention and continuous surveillance. Security agencies must be assisted with the information to hunt down these merchants of evil and bring them to justice.

Traditional rulers have equally been warned that they will be held responsible if they fail to give information on who is behind such attacks under their jurisdictions.”

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