Obama Suspends Instagram Comments After His Page Was Flooded With Pleas To Help The Afghan People

Category: World News 

Former President Barack Obama briefly suspended comments on his Instagram page on Monday after it was overwhelmed with followers demanding he do something to help the Afghan people following the Taliban’s sudden takeover of their country.

Visitors to Barack Obama’s Instagram together with his wife Michelle’s page for about two hours were greeted with the message: ‘Comments on this post have been limited’.

Obama has not yet issued a public statement about the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan.

His most recent social media clip was concerning voting boundaries in various constituencies.

‘Afghanistan needs your help. Please please help Afghanistan,’ one commenter wrote.

‘The blood of the #Afghan people is on the hands of those who have remained silent in the face of oppression and have made friends with the Taliban,’ wrote another. ‘History will not forget your crime.’

‘What did we accomplish in Afghanistan if we turn tail and run now?’ asked another. ‘They need us! That is not the American way! We do not surrender and run! We stay and fight and until the issues are resolved which is true independence!’

Those posting comments added hashtags #help_afghanistan and #afghanistanisbleeding, among others, but they were soon cut off.

A similar suspension of comments was also noted on former first lady Michelle Obama’s Instagram page.

A spokesperson for the Obamas told Fox News there was ‘no intentionality on our side’, nor was any explanation provided as to why it happened.

The spokesperson added the former president had ‘no further comment’ on Afghanistan and noted his remarks in April praising Biden ‘bold leadership’ in his decision to withdraw.

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