Reports of Taliban Executing Afghans, Recruiting Child Soldiers Is True - UN

Category: World News

Reports of the Taliban carrying out summary executions in Afghanistan are “credible”, says UN Human Rights High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet.

Other rights violations, including restrictions on women and recruiting child soldiers, were also reported, she told the UN Human Rights Council.

The Taliban practiced a strict version of Islamic law (Sharia) when they ran Afghanistan before 2001.

They retook the country nine days ago, with the fall of the capital, Kabul.

Since then, the militants have tried to convey a more restrained image, promising rights for women and girls and some freedom of speech.

Ms Bachelet says women’s rights are a “fundamental red line” and has called on UN member states to create a dedicated body to monitor human rights in Afghanistan.

China’s UN envoy said the US military and other international forces should be held accountable for rights violations committed during their time in Afghanistan.

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