I’m More Intelligent and Richer Than Those Insulting Me - FFK

Category: Nigeria News

Controversial Nigerian politician, and former Aviation minister, Fani Kayode has been trending on social media since he defected to APC yesterday.

The former minister alongside APC chieftains were in Abuja yesterday to see the President as he was introduced formally as an APC member.

While on channels tv last night, FFK spoke about his defection, especially when he was asked if he defected because of money.

This got him angry and he said;

”I don’t expect that kind of ridiculous and absurd question from you. I have never ever lacked in finances. There have been no inducements. Politicians don’t move because of finances. If I wanted finance, I would have moved a lot sooner than today. I have struggled and I have fought over the last six years than any of the little monkeys that said what you just said to me now.

I stand proud and I stand tall. The kind of family I come from, the kind of background I have, finance is never an issue, but of course this is always the absurd narrative that people with a very small brain, with low intelligence quotient will always put out when they feel threatened and I don’t care. You can insult me from morning till night. It means nothing to me. What is important to me is my God and the fact that I am doing the right thing at the right time.

I am considerably more wealthy than most people think and I don’t need anything from anybody. I work hard, I have always worked hard and I never lacked anything good. When I was fighting the government, you didn’t talk about finances or no finances. Now that I am not fighting the government you are talking about finances or no finances. It’s an old narrative. It’s an old story particularly form Nigerians from a particular segment of society like to say about those of us that are in the elite and I am not prepared to such rubbish and I am surprised you can ask me that kind of question.

Why don’t you go and ask a number of others that same question when they defect. It’s a very insulting question and no basis to it whatsoever”

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