Taliban Behead Female Volleyball Player, Post Images Across Social Media

Category: Terrorism News

The Taliban executed a young woman and uploaded sickening photos of her beheaded body on social media, it has been claimed.

Mahjabin Hakimi, a highly-rated player with the Kabul Municipality Volleyball Club, was slaughtered by jihadists, her former coach says.

In an interview with The Persian Independent, he accused the fundamentalists of sharing images of her corpse online.

The girl’s death, which occurred earlier this month, is only now being reported because the coach claims the family were subjected to threats from Islamist militants if they spoke out.

The Taliban does not allow women to play sport under their rule, and since taking control made it clear that it was a punishable offence to take part.

Coach Suraya Afzali says she was captured having failed to escape Afghanistan after the collapse of the previous government.

But conflicting reports on social media said she had been mysteriously killed a week before the Taliban returned to power.

“All the players of the volleyball team and the rest of the women athletes are in a bad situation and they are in despair and live in fear,” he said in the interview.

“Everyone has been forced to flee and live in unknown places.”

The new all-male Taliban government was formed earlier this year, with women excluded.

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