Woman Left With Swollen Lips After Bitten By Centipede (Photos)

A woman ended up with huge swollen lips after a centipede bit her on the mouth while she slept.

Nataly Galdino, 21, from São Vicente, Brazil, had to go to hospital and spent two days looking like she had had fillers because of the arthropod.

“I was sleeping and, in the middle of the night, I felt something prick my upper lip and I saw that it was stuck to my blanket and the claw in my mouth, but as it was dark all I did was pull,” she said.

“I pulled and didn’t want to let go. I tried for five seconds, with unbearable pain and it wouldn’t come unstuck.

“I got out of bed, turned on the light, saw my cut mouth and the giant centipede on the deck.”

Although centipede venom can typically cause swelling and some pain it isn’t usually dangerous to humans, but Natalie was concerned because of the location of the bite around her mouth.

As she was also suffering from shortness of breath, she decided to get medical attention after the bite on 11 October.

She said: “My mouth immediately started to swell and I ran to the hospital, there they medicated me with medicine for pain and allergy.

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