BIZARRE! Woman Sells Her Five Month Old Twin For $104 To Feed Starving Family

Category: World News

A mother narrates how she was forced to sell one of her newborn twins in order to get money to feed the other.

The Afghan mum gave the baby to a childless couple in return for $104 which she hoped would buy enough food to last her family for another six months.

Drought had reportedly forced the mum and her husband off their farm earlier this year and into a nearby city, where her husband and second-eldest son worked as laborers before the Taliban took over and left them without work.

The tragic story was uncovered by Save the Children.
The 40-year-old. mother told the charity that she gave birth to the twins – a boy and a girl – around four or five months ago, shortly after leaving their farm due to drought.

The woman explained that all of the children’s clothes are secondhand and donated by locals.

She told how she planned to keep both children, but was unable to gather enough food for the two and the rest of the family.

Her husband, 45, works as a laborer but says there are only enough jobs for one day of work in five – and the day’s wages, roughly $1, are enough for just two days of food.

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