First Photo of Suspect ‘Who Wanted To Assassinate' Queen of England

Category: World News

The teenager suspected of scaling Windsor Castle armed with a crossbow to try and “assassinate the Queen” on Christmas Day has been pictured for the first time.

Jaswant Singh Chail, 19, posted a video on Christmas Day of a hooded figure threatening to kill the Queen.

The man, wearing a white mask and black tracksuit, said: “I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I will do.

“I will attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Family.”

Less than half an hour after the clip was shared on Snapchat a 19-year-old man armed with a crossbow was arrested inside the castle grounds.

Scotland Yard said it is examining the footage and today police could be seen at Chail’s family home.

His father, Jasbir Singh Chail, 57, reportedly said: “Something’s gone horribly wrong with our son and we are trying to figure out what.

“We’ve not had a chance to speak to him but are trying to get him the help he needs. From our perspective, we are going through a ­difficult time. We are trying to resolve this issue and it’s not easy.”

The suspect, who has not been identified by police, was arrested at around 8.30am on Christmas Day.

He was spotted on CCTV roaming gardens after using a rope ladder to scale an outer wall. The Queen was in ­residence and had been due to have lunch with Prince Charles, Camilla and Sophie Wessex.

The teenager was initially held on suspicion of trespassing and possession of an offensive weapon.

He was later sectioned under the Mental Health Act. The pre-recorded video was reportedly sent to Chail’s Snapchat friends at around 8am on Christmas Day.

The hooded figure, whose words are distorted by a filter, says the planned attack is “revenge” for a historic massacre, when at least 379 pro-Indian independence protesters were killed by British forces in Jallianwala in 1919.

The man says: “This is revenge for those who have died in the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh massacre.

“It is also revenge for those who have been killed, humiliated and discriminated on because of their race. I’m an Indian Sikh, a Sith.”

The man then adds “my name was Jaswant Singh Chail” before identifying himself as Darth Jones.

It is believed the outfit and mentions of Sith and Darth are Star Wars references.

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