Nigerian Businesses Lost Over N10 Trillion To Twitter Ban - LCCI

Category: Business News

The Lagos Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) has estimated that Nigerian businesses lost N10.72 trillion ($26.1billion) within 222 days President Muhammdu Buhari shut down Twitter operations across Nigeria.

“In business terms, the cost of the seven-month shutdown of Twitter operations in Nigeria is estimated to be N10.72 trillion (26.1billion dollars) according to Netblock’s Cost of Shutdown Tool,” the director-general of LCCI, Chinyere Almona said in a statement on Friday.

Buhari regime had banned Twitter operations in Nigeria on June 5, 2021, and eventually lifted the prolonged suspension on Wednesday.

Mrs Almona while stating that Twitter was a viable tool for businesses in Nigeria, said the lifting of the suspension of Twitter operations in Nigeria was “well-received and commendable.”

“Digital platforms have become a viable tool for business operations and governance in engaging with diversified audiences and boosting digital transactions,” she noted.

She further appealed to the Buhari regime to create an enabling environment that supports global technology companies.

“When this happens Nigeria’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and revenue mobilization will receive a boost through tax revenues from these companies,” she said.

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