Winter Olympics: Free Condoms To Be Given Out, While Hugs and Handshakes Are Prohibited

Category: Sports News

Free condoms will be available at the 2022 Winter Beijing Olympics, although organizers want athletes to walk a tight rope when interacting with others and avoid hugs and handshakes in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“All Olympic-related units will provide appropriate quantities of condoms for free at the appropriate time to people who’ve checked in to stay inside the loop,” organizers told Reuters.

According to the Olympics playbook, athletes are to minimize physical interactions and stay within the “closed loop” to curb the spread of the virus while competing.

The games are set to start on Friday, and athletes from all over the world will compete in 15 different sports until Feb. 20.

S3x and mingling among the athletes have been notorious at the Olympic Village where athletes are housed.

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