Woman Kills Self, Her Two Children Over Husband’s Infidelity

Category: Crime News

A youthful woman from Sirende Village in Lugari Sub-County, Kakamega County, Kenya set her house on fire on Saturday night, resulting in three fatalities, including herself.

Hellen Vuyanzi is alleged to have doused parts of the house in petrol before lighting it up.

Lugari Sub-County Police Commander, Bernard Ngungu, told The Standard that Vuyanzi, who was in her thirties, had accused her husband of infidelity.

“We had earlier Saturday counseled Vuyanzi and her spouse, Thomas Amito, after a domestic dispute arose between them. We understand that Hellen had accused Thomas of cheating on her with another woman,” said Ngungu.

Police say the mother-of-three might have bought petrol from a local filling station, and used it to set her matrimonial home alight.

Vuyanzi’s neighbour, who spoke to The Standard on condition of anonymity, said that the deceased and her partner had been having recurrent domestic wrangles.

“The two were quarreling now and again, with the woman accusing her husband of infidelity. We didn’t expect that their issues would end tragically,” said the informant.

1 comment:

  1. What has been the children got to do with that, some women thinks negatively


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