Another Mexican Journalist Shot Dead! Making The Fourth Journalist Killed in 2022 Alone

Category: Crime News

Weeks after the gruesome murder of Lourdes Maldonado Lopez, another Mexican journalist, Roberto Toledo, has been killed by assailants, the Associate Press reports.

Mr Toledo, who works for Monitor Michoacan, an online news outlet, was reportedly shot dead by three armed men on his arrival at the office on Monday.

The journalist was preparing to record a video interview before his assassination, becoming the fourth journalist killed in January 2022 alone.

Monitor Michoacán director, Armando Linares, who was scheduled to be part of the interview said they had planned to meet at the office before the unfortunate incident.

“Twenty minutes before I had told him by phone that we were going to meet at the office to interview a person,” Mr Linares said, “I got held up a little and he arrives before I do, goes in, closes the door, but almost immediately they rang,” the director said.

Mr Linares disclosed that the news outlet in the business of covering sensitive issues, had received threats for reporting on governmental corruption.

“For exposing corrupt administrations and corrupt officials and politicians, today that led to the death of one of our colleagues,” Mr Linares said.

“The Monitor Michoacán team has suffered weeks, months of death threats. We know where all of this comes from,” he added.

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