Elon Musk To Defend The Earth If Russia Sends The ISS Hurling Towards The Planet

Category: Tech News

Planet Earth is an undeniably scary place to be right now, with tensions rising all over as the long-running COVID-19 pandemic continues to surge on, and a war breaks out between Russia and Ukraine.

We can now all rest a little better at night, knowing now that SpaceX head Elon Musk will save the world from the threat of danger, should it come to that.

As TMZ reports, earlier this weekend, the South African-born engineer reacted to a Russian space official who “menacingly suggested the ISS could lose its trajectory and careen towards the U.S. or Europe if the Russians sabotage the craft.”

“The official suggested sanctions could trigger the move. Russia controls the engines on the ISS, and it can direct the trajectory accordingly,” the article explains. “If you block cooperation with us, who will save the ISS from an uncontrolled deorbit and fall into the United States and Europe?” they asked on social media.

In response to this threat, Musk offered up a simple, but effective message – a SpaceX logo. When he came across other users discussing the interaction on Twitter, Musk confirmed that he meant that his company would be the one to save the planet, should Russia give us any further cause for concern.

The father of seven has also responded to Ukraine’s plea for help by sending his Starlink satellite terminals abroad, providing the country with an alternate internet connection amid the chaos.

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