Russian Hackers Join Attack On Ukraine To Help Country 'Beat Ukraine From Behind Their Computer'

Category: Tech News

BBC’s Joe Tidy, a Cyber-security reporter, met with one of the hackers who explained why they are carrying out the attacks and here’s how he reports it;

Since the start of the Ukraine crisis, the country has been the target of near-constant cyber attacks, widely blamed on Russia.

But the attackers are not all working for the Kremlin.

One group of “patriotic” Russian vigilante hackers told me they did it for fun in their spare time, revelling in causing cyber-chaos.

Dmitry (not his real name) told me he wanted to help his country “beat Ukraine from behind his computer”.

In the past week he said he and his five accomplices had carried out numerous denial of service attacks, flooding Ukrainian servers with data and taking them temporarily offline.

They also emailed 20 bomb threats to schools, hacked into the live dashboard feeds of an unidentified Ukrainian “rapid response team” and found a way to set up official Ukrainian government emails ending “”, he said.

The BBC watched as the group temporarily took down a Ukrainian military website.

“This is just the beginning,” Dmitry said.

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