How Dr Chinelo, One of Abuja-Kaduna Train Passenger Died After Attack (Photo)

Category: Bizarre & Strange News

A young doctor, Chinelo was among those that met their untimely death when bandits allegedly bombed part of the Abuja-Kaduna bound train and attacked passengers.

Chinelo who was among the 950 passengers was shot by bandits, and she tweeted this before her death, asking for prayers.

Unfortunately she died this morning.

One of her friends, Esther Ijewere narrated the sad story.... See it;

”Dr. Chinelo was involved in the Kaduna- Abuja train that was allegedly attacked by bandits yesterday, she did the right thing by tweeting that she had been shot, and asked folks to pray for her.

A tweet that most likely came from a place of fear and panic attack as she was loosing blood.

People didn’t only mock her for tweeting while she was in pain, they also called her a liar ( See tweets in my comment).

One person even quoted her tweet with: “Are you dead now?”. Can you beat that?

Imagine seeing tweets doubting your near death experience and some already wishing you dead. What else could be demoralizing and killing?

Dr. Chinelo died this morning from the wound she sustained from the g.u.n shot.

The photo of her lifeless body made me cry this morning.

Apparently, she had resigned last month from St. Gerald’s hospital, Kaduna, and was meant to travel this Friday, according to Twitter user @stephadamu.

That dream was truncated yesterday.

I hope God forgive those who ridiculed and mocked this young dentist when she cried out for help.

May their words not come back to hurt and haunt them.

Vile and insensitive beings who lose their sense of compassion the moment they get on social media.

They literally used this lady to chase clout till she died eventually.

We know the system failed her, but those who downplayed her pain made it worse.

To those who derive joy in other people’s pain and plight, I hope this will serve as a lesson.

Don’t lose your humanity in your bid to be seen and heard on social media. Karma is real.

Rest In peace, Chinelo and others who died as a result of the attack.

She is trending in death, but many didn’t pay attention when she was alive and cried out for help.

May God give her family and loved ones the fortitude to bear this sad loss..

May Nigeria not happen to us in a bad way.

May we not die untimely in Jesus name

#Chinelo #Kaduna #Kadunatrain #Kadunatrainattack #DrChinelo”

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