See What Will Happen To The World If Nuclear War Starts (Video)

Category: World News

What is the US and Russia decides to have a nuclear war? If they choice their current nuclear arsenals, they will burn every major city and industrial areas in each country. 

Professor Aran Robock, a climatologist and distinguished professor from the department of Environmental Sciences, Rutgers University, answered this question. 

Within a week of the nuclear war 150 tons of black smoke would enter the atmosphere, it would rise into the stratosphere, covering the earth and lasting for years.

The black smoke absorbs sunlight, preventing it from reaching the surface.

Two weeks after the war, as the smoke spreads around the world, it gets dark and cold at the surface.

The sunlight that is absorbed by the smoke in the upper atmosphere heats it, destroying the ozone there. This lets dangerous ultraviolet radiation to reach the surface. 

Even though some of the UV will absorbed by the smoke, much more gets to the surface. UV radiation destroys DNA,building blocks of life which will lead to extreme cases of cancer.

After two months, temperature allover the continental land regions will plummet below freezing.

Agriculture grinds to a halt, and will not be possible for several years. 

After two months mark, rain halts in every continental land regions and some fall as snow instead. 

This adds to the problems of agriculture.

After four months, famine begins, as existing stock of food runs out. Cold, dry,dark conditions will prevent agriculture for several years. 

After two years, most people on earth have starved to death. A few people on coastlines my survive through hunting and fishing,  but they have to deal with the cold, dry and dark conditions and enhanced UV radiation. 

The number of survivals will be very low, and most will be in the southern hemispheres, far from the bombs, and surrounded by warm oceans that will reduce the cooling.

Four years later, temperature will slowly begin to rise but will not be back to the pre-war conditions for another twenty years. RAINFALL also slowly begins to rise.

Even five years after the war, skin cancer is still on the rise so is UV damage to plants. It would take around ten years for nature to begin to take over again. 

See video below;


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