Singer Osinachi’s Mother Speaks, Says Marriage Was Hell For Her And She Warned Her To Leave

Mother of gospel singer Osinachi Nwachukwu has made some revelations about the singer’s marriage.

Osinachi’s mother, speaking with BBC Igbo, said that Peter Nwachukwu, the deceased’s husband, allegedly threatened that his late wife would only leave the marriage in death.

She revealed that Osinachi left her marriage for over a year, and only returned after her husband came with pastors to beg.

She also mentioned that she could not see her grandchildren for eight years and was never allowed to come for Omugwo (traditional Igbo custom for postpartum care by the woman’s mother) when they were born.

According to her, Osinachi’s husband never allowed her family into their house until some pastors intervened.

The deceased mother added that she told Osinachi severally to leave the marriage but she insisted on staying, insisting that the Bible frowns at divorce.

She denied claims by Peter about the singer’s health, adding that before her daughter died, she and her husband went for medical checkup and were told by experts that nothing was wrong with her.


  1. The Osinachi's of this world. Some of them live amongst us.They refuse to leave an abusive partner, they give all manner of excuses until one day their system can no longer handle any more abuses then it gives up������

  2. Some guy made a comment on Instagram that sticks to my brain. He says if a guy beats you, you gotta leave if not he won't stop until you're dead��

  3. Rip your husband is so heartless

  4. Our ladies should not love overshadow them to the point at which they will not discover all the necessary things. Once they see any sign or iota of a beast, don't run but flee for your dear life. Please, biko, ejo. Your life is dear to us

  5. I don't think a mentally sound individual will want to stick with an abuser... I want to believe it's a form of mental illness.. some call it Stockholm syndrome where a person sticks to the abuser no matter what you tell them.

    1. Are you for real?

    2. I want to believe so if not what other reason


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